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Jóvenes voluntarios de WWF Bolivia se capacitaron en temas de Liderazgo y Empoderamiento Juvenil
Santa Cruz, junio de 2023.- 25 miembros de la Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia, participaron de la capacitación de Liderazgo y Empoderamiento Juvenil (YEL por sus siglas en inglés), una iniciativa liderada por la oficina de WWF Suiza, que tiene como objetivo fortalecer las capacidades de los jóvenes líderes para la creación de nuevas comunidades en distintas ciudades de Bolivia, y la implementación de proyectos que respondan a problemáticas del medio ambiente.
Para WWF, es muy importante el trabajo con los jóvenes debido a que, en esta etapa, las personas desarrollan su identidad y comienzan a comprender y encontrar su papel en la sociedad. Además, construyen una relación entre ellos mismos y su entorno, y toman decisiones sobre cómo desean vivir.
“Nuestro objetivo es empoderar a los jóvenes para llevar una vida y emprender acciones sostenibles” resaltó Leata Kollart, coordinadora del proyecto de WWF Suiza.
Queremos que los jóvenes desarrollen habilidades para que puedan generar un cambio. Creemos que los jóvenes desempeñan un papel fundamental en la restauración del equilibrio y el bienestar del planeta. Los jóvenes pueden realizar una contribución crucial para mejorar el mundo, y nuestro objetivo es empoderarlos para que puedan cumplir eficazmente su papel como protagonistas del cambio del planeta.
Marcelo Leaños, voluntario de WWF-Bolivia desde 2019, expresó “Me gustaría impartir este conocimiento con otros y así tener mayor impacto en las problemáticas ambientales, ya sea con la formulación de proyectos con otros participantes de la Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia, como también con otras organizaciones o personas de la sociedad civil”.
Hoy en día, cada vez más jóvenes buscan significado en todas las dimensiones de la vida. No solo quieren consumir, sino que desean contribuir a crear un futuro mejor, por ejemplo, mediante un estilo de vida más sostenible. Y un gran número de jóvenes buscan generar un cambio para el planeta y sus habitantes.
“Estoy muy agradecida por la oportunidad, aprendí bastante. Aprender de otras personas y en grupo con retroalimentaciones tiene muchos beneficios. Cada uno (de los participantes) sirvió de inspiración y llegaron al corazón de todos. Gracias por brindarnos nuevas herramientas para la vida en general, me siento muy feliz de haber conocido personas con un interés en común de cuidar el medio ambiente” expresó Isabel Núñez, miembro de la Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia.
Entendemos que algo debe cambiar, que depende de las personas tomar acción, y que esto significa que nosotros también podemos decidir tomar acción. Si elegimos convertirnos en agentes de cambio para el planeta, estaremos mejor equipados si desarrollamos las habilidades necesarias. También nos hemos dado cuenta de que cada uno de nosotros tiene varias habilidades y talentos para generar un cambio positivo. Ahora estamos listos para poner nuestras habilidades al servicio del planeta mediante el lanzamiento de proyectos de sostenibilidad.
Acerca de la Comunidad Juvenil de Bolivia
Es un grupo de jóvenes voluntarios estudiantes, profesionales y/o que tienen interés por la conservación del medio ambiente. La Comunidad Juvenil de WWF ha sido creada el año 2020, en medio de la pandemia mundial (Covid-19), y a consecuencia de varias reuniones virtuales semanales, organizadas bajo una agenda consensuada con más de 80 participantes.
Young volunteers from WWF Bolivia were trained in Leadership and Youth Empowerment
Santa Cruz, June 2023 - 25 members of the Bolivia Youth Community participated in the Youth Leadership and Empowerment (YEL) training, an initiative led by the WWF Switzerland office, which aims to strengthen the capacities of young leaders for the creation of new communities in different cities of Bolivia, and the implementation of projects that respond to environmental issues.
For WWF, working with youth is very important because, at this stage, people develop their identity and begin to understand and find their role in society. They also build a relationship between themselves and their environment and make decisions about how they want to live.
"Our goal is to empower young people to lead sustainable lives and take sustainable actions," said Leata Kollart, project coordinator for WWF Switzerland.
We want youth to develop skills so they can make a difference. We believe that young people play a fundamental role in restoring the balance and well-being of the planet. They can make a crucial contribution to improving the world, and our aim is to empower them to effectively play their role as protagonists in changing the planet.
Marcelo Leaños, WWF-Bolivia volunteer since 2019, expressed "I would like to impart this knowledge with others and thus have a greater impact on environmental issues, either with the formulation of projects with other participants of the Youth Community Bolivia, as well as with other organizations or people from civil society."
Today, more and more youth are looking for meaning in all dimensions of life. They don't just want to consume, they want to contribute to creating a better future, for example, through a more sustainable lifestyle. And a large number of young people are looking to make a change for the planet and its inhabitants.
"I am very grateful for the opportunity; I learned a lot. Learning from other people and in a group with feedback has many benefits. Each one (of the participants) served as an inspiration and touched everyone's heart. Thank you for giving us new tools for life in general, I am very happy to have met people with a common interest in caring for the environment," said Isabel Nuñez, a member of the Bolivia Youth Community.
We understand that something must change, that it is up to people to act, and that this means that we too can decide to act. If we choose to become agents of change for the planet, we will be better equipped if we develop the necessary skills. We have also realized that each of us has various skills and talents to generate positive change. We are now ready to put our skills to work for the planet by launching sustainability projects.
About the Youth Community of Bolivia
It is a group of young volunteers who are students, professionals and/or have an interest in environmental conservation. The WWF Youth Community was created in 2020, during the global pandemic (Covid-19), and as a result of several weekly virtual meetings, organized under a consensual agenda with more than 80 participants.
For WWF, working with youth is very important because, at this stage, people develop their identity and begin to understand and find their role in society. They also build a relationship between themselves and their environment and make decisions about how they want to live.
"Our goal is to empower young people to lead sustainable lives and take sustainable actions," said Leata Kollart, project coordinator for WWF Switzerland.
We want youth to develop skills so they can make a difference. We believe that young people play a fundamental role in restoring the balance and well-being of the planet. They can make a crucial contribution to improving the world, and our aim is to empower them to effectively play their role as protagonists in changing the planet.
Marcelo Leaños, WWF-Bolivia volunteer since 2019, expressed "I would like to impart this knowledge with others and thus have a greater impact on environmental issues, either with the formulation of projects with other participants of the Youth Community Bolivia, as well as with other organizations or people from civil society."
Today, more and more youth are looking for meaning in all dimensions of life. They don't just want to consume, they want to contribute to creating a better future, for example, through a more sustainable lifestyle. And a large number of young people are looking to make a change for the planet and its inhabitants.
"I am very grateful for the opportunity; I learned a lot. Learning from other people and in a group with feedback has many benefits. Each one (of the participants) served as an inspiration and touched everyone's heart. Thank you for giving us new tools for life in general, I am very happy to have met people with a common interest in caring for the environment," said Isabel Nuñez, a member of the Bolivia Youth Community.
We understand that something must change, that it is up to people to act, and that this means that we too can decide to act. If we choose to become agents of change for the planet, we will be better equipped if we develop the necessary skills. We have also realized that each of us has various skills and talents to generate positive change. We are now ready to put our skills to work for the planet by launching sustainability projects.
About the Youth Community of Bolivia
It is a group of young volunteers who are students, professionals and/or have an interest in environmental conservation. The WWF Youth Community was created in 2020, during the global pandemic (Covid-19), and as a result of several weekly virtual meetings, organized under a consensual agenda with more than 80 participants.
© WWF-Bolivia